Kubernetes is a complex topic and it can overwhelm and confuse you the first time. Hence the very explicit title. In this post, I will show you how to run an ASP.NET core application inside a Kubernetes pod. We are not discussing Kubernetes concepts like deployments, namespaces, contexts, load balancer etc. We will start with the simplest of all Pod. A pod in Kubernetes is the smallest execution unit. It runs your container inside a Kubernetes cluster. You can think of it as a wrapper around your container.
I assume you already have docker and Kubernetes installed. The latest version of the docker desktop comes with Kubernetes.
If you have a windows box and you have chosen windows containers, you will find that Kubernetes option is not available in the Docker desktop settings menu. Switch to Linux containers and you can enable Kubernetes from the settings.
When you select the enable docker support checkbox in Visual Studio, the project will have an extra Dockerfile. Dockerfile is a text file. It contains the Docker commands that you otherwise will run it from the command line to create a docker image. Unfortunately, there are some issues with the Dockerfile Visual Studio generates, which can throw you off the ground, especially if you are a docker newbie. If you look at the Dockerfile below, the copy command tries to copy the csproj file to the directory webapiapp and do a dotnet restore. This will fail, as the Dockerfile and the csproj files are in the same directory.
FROM mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/core/sdk:3.0-buster AS build
COPY ["webapiapp/webapiapp.csproj", "webapiapp/"]
RUN dotnet restore "webapiapp/webapiapp.csproj"
COPY . .
WORKDIR "/src/webapiapp"
RUN dotnet build "webapiapp.csproj" -c Release -o /app/build
You can easily move the Dockerfile to the parent directory of your project or change the Dockerfile as shown below. Here we are copying the csproj and all the files in the current directory to the webapiapp directory before executing the dotnet restore command.
FROM mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/core/aspnet:3.0-buster-slim AS base
FROM mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/core/sdk:3.0-buster AS build
COPY ["webapiapp.csproj", "webapiapp/"]
COPY ./ webapiapp/
RUN dotnet restore "webapiapp/webapiapp.csproj"
WORKDIR "/src/webapiapp"
RUN dotnet build "webapiapp.csproj" -c Release -o /app/build
FROM build AS publish
RUN dotnet publish "webapiapp.csproj" -c Release -o /app/publish
FROM base AS final
COPY --from=publish /app/publish .
ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", "webapiapp.dll"]
Once you have fixed the Dockerfile execute the command below to build the docker image. This command will build the docker image with name webapiapp and label dev.
docker build -t webapiapp:dev .
Make sure your image is built. Once the command is successfully executed, verify whether the image is present with the following command.
docker images
webapiapp dev 1a1733472871 46 hours ago 207MB
pronounced as “cubecuttle” is the command to interact with Kubernetes. We will use kubectl
to create a pod and run the container image we created above inside the kubernetes cluster.
The following YAML defines the pod that we want the kubectl
command to create and run inside the Kubernetes cluster. The image property specifies which container image you would like to run inside this pod. As we discussed earlier, consider the pod as a wrapper around your container.
When Kubernetes runs your container inside a pod we are asking Kubernetes to run the web application using the dotnet command through the command property in the YAML file. Substitute the “webapiapp.dll” with the name of your web application dll.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: first-pod
app: web
- name: aspnet-api
image: webapiapp:dev
imagePullPolicy: Never
command: ["dotnet", "webapiapp.dll"]
- containerPort: 80
To create the pod execute the following command. Kubernetes understands that it needs to create a pod from the Kind property in the YAML file. There are several resource types we can create using kubectl
and they are identified by the Kind property.
kubectl create -f .\firstpod.yml
Make sure the pod is created and is running.
kubectl get pod first-pod
first-pod 1/1 Running 0 19s
If you see the status of your pod as running, it means Kubernetes has successfully created your pod and executed the dotnet command. How will you access the web api endpoint from outside? For this, you have to expose and the pod through a port. The following command exposes your pod through a port.
kubectl expose pod first-pod --type=NodePort
Check the port your service is exposed. To find the port execute the following command. When you asked Kubernetes to expose your pod, it has created a service to expose your pod. The type of service is NodePort as indicated through the –type parameter. A Kubernetes is service is how you expose your pod to the outside world.
kubectl get services
the above command should produce an output like below
first-pod NodePort <none> 80:30581/TCP 16s
kubernetes ClusterIP <none> 443/TCP 2d5h
So our web api is exposed through the port 30581.
Voila!! our asp.net core api is running inside a Kubernetes pod